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Mail merge

Part 1

Check for errors. Click the "Check for errors" button to have Word scan each document in the Mail Merge to ensure that all recipients have valid data for each of the fields. Any invalid results will be reported, allowing you to fix them before proceeding.

Part 2

Finish the merge process. Once you have finished checking for errors, you can finish the merge process and create the individual documents. You have three options when you click the "Finish & Merge" button:

  1. "Edit Individual Documents" - You will be able to choose which entries you want to perform this action on. Once you do, a new document will be created, with each entry as a new page. You can then go through and make manual edits to each one.

  2. "Print Documents" - You will be able to choose which entries you want to perform this action on. Once you do, the documents will be sent to your printer, where each individual one will print.

  3. "Email Documents" - You will be able to define the Subject line as well as select the Field that contains the recipients' email addresses. You will then be able to send the bulk email message off using Outlook. Note that this will immediately send the message, so make sure everything looks good!

Inserting a spreadsheet graph into a presentation slide

Step 1:In PowerPoint, click the placeholder that you want to contain the chart.

Step 2:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Chart.

Step 3:In the Insert Chart dialog box, click a chart, and then click OK.

Office Excel 2007 opens in a split window and displays sample data on a worksheet.

Sample data on an Excel worksheet

Step 4: In Excel, to replace the sample data, click a cell on the worksheet, and then type the data that you want. You can also replace the sample axis labels in Column A and the legend entry name in Row

1.After you update the worksheet, the chart in PowerPoint updates automatically with the new data.

Step 5:When you are finished inputting the data in Excel, on the File menu, click Close

  • Generating report from Microsoft access.

  1. Open the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the table or query on which you want to base your report.

  3. Activate the Create tab.

  4. Click the Report button in the Reports group. Access creates your report and displays your report in Layout view. You can modify the report.

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